

➌ Kashmiri Matchmaking Process

Kashmiris first match the teknis (horoscopes) of the prospective bride and groom. Besides this, the other factors which are taken into consideration while selecting a match are the background, status and moral character of the family of the prospective match and their close relatives. All this is taken into consideration before the alliance is finalised.


For most of Kashmiri Pandits, Tekni match compatability is a must to proceed further though there are a few who are liberal in this regard. After the Tekni matches, the background is checked on either side. Once everything is all right on both sides then only a meeting is fixed between the propective couples to know more about each other. There could be a number of meetings or if both are satisfied in one meeting then the consent is provided mostly from groom's side and if the bride has no objection then a nod is given by bride's parents as well. Later the wedding date is proposed by the bride's parents. Once the groom's parents also give their consent, the purohit (priest) fixes the wedding date.